Most rescues are volunteer-based rescues who take animals in and place them in foster homes until they are adopted by a forever family. Because most rescues are small, non-profit organizations, they rely on the public to participate in their mission of saving animals by donating and more importantly, providing short term, in-home care for animals until they can be adopted. Rescues have to make the difficult decisions between who lives and who dies when looking at dogs in need, because they don’t have enough open foster homes to take them all.
Fostering is a wonderful gift that you can give to animals in need. Only by those opening their hearts and homes to an animal in need can we continue to save lives. Fosters are an invaluable, wonderful group of people who endure all the highs and lows of pet ownership, only to let the animals they have loved so much and worked so hard for go…. so that they can help another! They are unselfish, caring, loving, patient people and without them, the rescue system could not work.
Rescues cover the costs of all medical care. There may be small incidental expenses such as pet bowls if you don’t already have them, but your foster will usually come to your home with everything they need – collar, leash, litter box, crate… Rescues are also usually happy to provide food if you are not in a position to swing that cost. However, remember – all expenses associated with your foster pet, if fostered through a 501(c)3 non-profit rescue, are tax deductible! Rescues would love to be able to pay for toys and other things for your fosters, but cannot reimburse you.